Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Uncle Jim was a very special man. Growing up, we spent a lot of time together; great times. As a child your brain is developing and only remembers the best of your experiences. I remember almost all of them involving him. I loved his passion for the outdoors, boats, cars and snowmobiles as they are a passion of my own as-well. I remember always getting to drive the boats at the cottage on his lap while wearing his sunglasses, the amount of hats he lost to the wind and for every hat that flew off while in the boat we always had to turn it around and go get them. He was driven by adventure and loved every minute of it, if I wanted to go tubing on a cold windy day with a sprinkle of rain; we did it, milkshakes after skating practice? He would say “ alright lets go just don’t tell your mom”. He lived a great life and I’ll always remember him for that and all of the great memories we shared. I didn’t get to say a proper good-bye, yet all I can do is hope that he knew that no matter what I loved him.